Visier Business Rule Language (VBRL)

Use the Visier Business Rule Language to transform data in Visier.


Use the Visier Business Rules Language (VBRL) to transform data in Visier. VBRL formulas are written as a single expression that transform records.

For more information about adding and configuring business rules, see Business Rules.

Basic syntax

Define rules for adding, updating, and deleting data based on specific triggers.


Triggers an action.


Adds an event.


Updates property values.


Deletes events.


  • You can perform multiple deletes by adding delete before each expression where each expression returns a single event.
  • At most, each delete can delete one event.


Performs actions when values meet the specified criteria.


Sets the date for events. Updating effectiveDate for existing events creates a copy of the event with an updated effectiveDate. If you'd like to remove the event with the previous effectiveDate property value, you can use the delete syntax.


Starts a conditional statement.


Provides the default case in a conditional statement.


Updates multiple events that occur at the same time.


Invokes predefined rule functions.


Returns the start date for your tenant.

Event functions

Filter events based on occurring changes, event types, property values, and the position of the event in the context of the event stream. For example, adding a new "Promotion" event when the "Title" property changes.


Triggers on any event.


Returns any profile change events.


Triggers on events with changes to a specific property.


Triggers on events with changes to any properties in a collection.


Returns events that meet the specified filter criteria.


Combines two filters.


Returns true if either filter is true, otherwise returns false.


Returns any event that does not meet the filter criteria.


Triggers on conception events.


Triggers on termination events.


Triggers on regular events.


Returns the most recent event that meets the specified filter criteria.


Returns the next event that meets the specified filter criteria.


Returns the previous event that meets the specified filter criteria.


Returns the first event that meets the specified filter criteria.


Returns the latest event that meets the specified filter criteria.


Returns all events in the stream that meet the specified filter criteria.


Returns true when the event time is equal to the event time returned by an event, otherwise returns false.

Value functions

Get property values from specific events.


Returns the value of the property based on an event.


Returns the date associated with an event.


Returns the value of the property from the most recent event. This is shorthand for valueOf(property, current(changeIn(property))).


Returns the value of the property from the next event. This is shorthand for valueOf(property, next(changeIn(property))).


Returns the value of the property from the previous event. This is shorthand for valueOf(property, previous(changeIn(property))).


Returns the value of the property from the first event. This is shorthand for valueOf(property, first(changeIn(property))).


Returns the value of the property from the last event. This is shorthand for valueOf(property, last(changeIn(property))).


Returns the value of a property at a specific date.


Returns true if the property has changed at least once, otherwise returns false.


Compares a value to a collection of values and returns true if there is a match.

Aggregation functions

Aggregate property values in your business rules. For example, min, max, sum, and average.


Returns the minimum value for property at the point in time when the filter is true. The minimum is reset when resetTrigger is triggered.

Note: Both property and filter should be operating on the same event, and must be functions that work with one event at a time. For example valueOf(Employee.Salary) is an acceptable property, since it is only concerned with the value of the Salary property of a single event. However, valueOf(previous(Employee.Salary)) is not an acceptable property, since it requires multiple events to determine its value.


Returns the maximum value for property at the point in time when the filter is true. The maximum is reset when the resetTrigger is triggered.

Note: Both property and filter should be operating on the same event, and must be functions that work with one event at a time. For example valueOf(Employee.Salary) is an acceptable property, since it is only concerned with the value of the Salary property of a single event. However, valueOf(previous(Employee.Salary)) is not an acceptable property, since it requires multiple events to determine its value.


Returns the sum value for property at the point in time when the filter is true. The sum is reset when the resetTrigger is triggered.

Note: Both property and filter should be operating on the same event, and must be functions that work with one event at a time. For example valueOf(Employee.Salary) is an acceptable property, since it is only concerned with the value of the Salary property of a single event. However, valueOf(previous(Employee.Salary)) is not an acceptable property, since it requires multiple events to determine its value.


Returns the average value for property at the point in time when the filter is true. The average is reset when the resetTrigger is triggered.

Note: Both property and filter should be operating on the same event, and must be functions that work with one event at a time. For example valueOf(Employee.Salary) is an acceptable property, since it is only concerned with the value of the Salary property of a single event. However, valueOf(previous(Employee.Salary)) is not an acceptable property, since it requires multiple events to determine its value.

Date functions

Define, format, and shift dates, calculate the difference between dates, and get the start and end of a date interval. For example, day, week, month, and year.


Returns a date object.


Returns a date string in the specified format.


Returns the day from a date as an integer.


Returns the month from a date as an integer.


Returns the year from a date as an integer.


Returns the day from a date as an integer based on the configured custom calendar.


Returns the month from a date as an integer based on the configured custom calendar.


Returns the year from a date as an integer based on the configured custom calendar.


Returns a date value shifted to the first day of calendar month.


Returns a date value shifted to the first day of calendar year.


Returns a date value shifted to the first day of the custom calendar month.


Returns a date value shifted to the first day of the custom calendar year.


Returns a date value shifted to the last day of the month.


Returns a date value shifted to the last day of the year.


Returns a date value shifted to the last day of the custom calendar month.


Returns a date value shifted to the last day of the custom calendar year.


Returns the number of milliseconds between two dates. This function returns a negative value if the first argument is less than the second argument.


Returns the number of seconds between two dates. This function returns a negative value if the first argument is less than the second argument.


Returns the number of minutes between two dates. This function returns a negative value if the first argument is less than the second argument.


Returns the number of hours between two dates. This function returns a negative value if the first argument is less than the second argument.


Returns the number of days between two dates. This function returns a negative value if the first argument is less than the second argument.


Returns the number of months between two dates. This function returns a negative value if the first argument is less than the second argument.


Returns the number of years between two dates. This function returns a negative value if the first argument is less than the second argument.


Returns a date shifted by a number of milliseconds. You can specify a positive or negative value for the number of milliseconds.


Returns a date shifted by a number of seconds. You can specify a positive or negative value for the number of seconds.


Returns a date shifted by a number of minutes. You can specify a positive or negative value for the number of minutes.


Returns a date shifted by a number of hours. You can specify a positive or negative value for the number of hours.


Returns a date shifted by a number of days. You can specify a positive or negative value for the number of days.


Returns a date shifted by a number of months. You can specify a positive or negative value for the number of months.


Returns a date shifted by a number of years. You can specify a positive or negative value for the number of years.


Returns the start of the specified date or time interval.


Returns the end of the specified date or time interval.


Returns a day time interval when using startOf or endOf.


Returns a week time interval when using startOf or endOf.


Returns a month time interval when using startOf or endOf.


Returns a year time interval when using startOf or endOf.

Comparison operators

Compare values.


Compares two values and determines whether they are equal.


Compares two values and determines whether they are not equal.


Compares two values and determines whether the left value is greater than the right value.


Compares two values and determines whether the left value is less than the right value.


Compares two values and determines whether the left value is greater than or equal to the right value.


Compares two values and determines whether the left value is less than or equal to the right value.

Logical operators

Compare expressions and return a Boolean value.


Compares two expressions and returns true if both are true. This is interchangeable with &&.


Compares two expressions and returns true if both are true. This is interchangeable with and.


Compares two expressions and returns true if either is true. This is interchangeable with ||.


Compares two expressions and returns true if either is true. This is interchangeable with or.


Compares two expressions and returns true if not true. This is interchangeable with !.


Compares two expressions and returns true if not true. This is interchangeable with not.

String functions

Alters strings by concatenating, changing capitalization, and more.


Concatenates strings.


Computes the SHA-256 hash of a given string, returning the hash as a hexadecimal string.


Removes accents from a string.


Converts a string to lower case.


Converts a string to upper case.


Removes white space from a string.


Returns a subset of characters from the left-side of a string.


Returns a subset of characters from the right-side of a string.


Removes characters from the start of a string.


Removes characters from the end of a string.


Searches and replaces in a string.


Replaces a substring.


Returns the first capture group if there is a match. Otherwise, returns none.


Returns the part of a string value that matches the specified regular expression. Otherwise, returns none.


Searches and replaces using regular expressions.


Returns the starting index of the first occurrence of searchString found in valueString. Optionally, you can specify a starting index if you'd like to start the search at a position greater than 0.


Returns the starting index of the last occurrence of searchString found in valueString. Optionally, you can specify a starting index if you'd like to start the search at a position greater than 0.


Returns the length of a string as an integer.


Converts the first character of all words in a string to upper case and other characters to lower case.


Converts the first character in a string to upper case. This does not modify other characters.

Math functions

Get the minimum, maximum, modulus, absolute, floor, ceiling, and rounded numbers.


Returns the lesser of the two values. Both values should be of the same type.


Returns the greater of two values. Both values should be of the same type.


Returns the modulus of the two values.


Returns the absolute value.


Returns the floor for a number.


Returns the ceiling of a number.


Returns the rounded value.

Predefined rule functions

Special functions that perform operations that go beyond what other functions can do.


Returns a single event out of a set of events and deletes all other events in the set. This function is useful for removing duplicate events, resolving inconsistencies between data sources, and handling multiple changes happening on the same date.


Adds a valid range for profile change events that meet the following criteria:

  • The property does not have a valid range defined.
  • There is another profile change event with the same date and a valid range defined.

This function updates invalid ranges with a valid range pulled from a profile change event that shares the same date and has a valid range defined.

By default, the criteria for an invalid range is a value that equals to none. You can override this behavior by specifying a filter and adding your own criteria for what should be considered to be an invalid range.


Augments a mapping using a lookup mapping object.


Updates the initial value assignment of the specified properties to happen at some initial date.


Adds an event with a specified value and event date derived from the value of another date property. By default, this function creates one event per date property specified in the datePropertiesCollection argument, based on the latest event record. You can change this behavior and create an event for every date record by setting a true value for the optional changeAllBoolean argument.


Consolidates events with the same date into one event.


Inserts a new subjectID and related properties.

Note: You cannot use a subjectID that already exists in your data.


Creates conception and termination events from actual conception and termination events. This is useful for dealing with non-snapshot data which is necessary for the CT System Rule.


Deletes all events for the current subject where the condition provided is true.


Converts the values of properties on events into property changes in the main subject profile. These changes take place at the same time as the event used to generate them.


Removes Profile Change Events where the provided reference property creates a self-reference loop.


Updates isolated inactive profiles with a new sourceID so that subsequent rules can ignore them.


Matches an event based on conditional criteria and updates the event date for all previous events to the event date of the matched event.


Updates the event date to the start of the day for all events.


Replaces the values of a property with values in the specified target mapping file. This function overrides the current value with the value in the lookup file where there is a matching key.

Note: If the lookup fails, the property value is set to none.


Replaces the values of a property with values in multiple mapping files. This function overrides the current value with the value in the lookup file where there is a matching key.


Removes duplicates and pushes the event date to the earliest date for the specified properties.

Note: When used, this rule must be the first business rule.


Removes all additional information except event date from the timestamp.

Conversion functions

Convert values to specific data types so that you can perform additional operations. For example, convert a string to an integer so that you can perform additional mathematical calculations and produce new values.


Converts a value to a string.


Converts a string to a Boolean value.


Converts a value to a double.


Converts a value to an integer.


Converts a double to an integer.


Converts an integer to a double.