Super Admin Permission

Learn about the Super Admin permission and when you should assign it to users.

Note: The Super Admin permission cannot be modified or deleted.

Users who are assigned the Super Admin permission will have full access to all data, capabilities, and content packages. This is a powerful permission that not only provides access to what is loaded in the solution, but also everything that will be loaded in the future. Users with the Super Admin permission will automatically have access to any content changes you make to the solution. For example, if you are testing a new metric, users with the Super Admin permission will be able to see any data associated with the metric even though it is not ready to be deployed.

Best practices

Since the Super Admin permission bypasses data security, you should only assign the permission to users in the following situations:

  1. While you are still in the process of on-boarding data and testing the content in the solution.
  2. When demonstrating the solution to a large number of users.
  3. If a user needs access to all content that is loaded onto the solution at all times.

If you want to give users full security access to the data in the solution, we recommend that you create a permission with security profiles that grant users access to every analytic object, population, and attribute in the solution. In this case, data security is applied rather than bypassed. The permission will need to be updated when changes are made to the analytic object.