Configure different settings to customize the look and behavior of the solution. For example, you can apply a default analysis context for users, change the default display currency, and display a company logo on the navigation bar.
Settings that affect how users sign in to the solution.
Set Up Single Sign-On
Allow users to use their login credentials from an external service provider to log on to the solution.
Auto Provisioning
Enable auto provisioning to automatically create user accounts for new users who access the solution from your SSO portal.
Set Up Network Access
Restrict the IP addresses where users can access the solution.
Set Up OAuth 2.0
Learn how to register an OAuth 2.0 client in Visier.
Global settings
Settings that take affect instantly.
Share Files
Share files with Visier.
Upload a Custom PowerPoint Template
Upload a custom template as the default for Microsoft PowerPoint exports. This template must be a PPT file.
Customize an Email Template
Change the predefined email templates and preview how the emails appear to your users.
Generate an API Key
Create an API key and copy it to use in API functions.
Add Your Domain to the Embeddable Domains List
Create a list of trusted domains that may embed Visier.
Project settings
Settings within a project that take affect once published to production.
Set Aggregate Thresholds
Hide aggregate values for small populations from users.
Download the Application Definition
Export an Excel file (XLS) to see a list of the analytic and document objects in the application.
Create a Custom Color Palette
Create a custom color palette for visualizations in the solution experience.
Change the Solution Logo
Display a company logo on the navigation bar.
Change the Default Currency
Set the default currency that is displayed to users in the solution.
Set Up Data Exports
Learn how to turn on Data Exports for the first time.
Set the Default Context
Define the default population context to provide all users with a consistent starting point.
Set the Home Analysis for All Users
Administrators can set a default analysis that will display in the Home room when users first sign in to Visier.
Translate Solution Content
Export changes in your project to translate the content from the language you authored in to a target language.