Set up Dynamic Look-Up

Turn on dynamic look-up to automatically fill in the Employee IDs for new user accounts.


By default, when creating users, you have to manually enter the Employee ID for each user. However, you can have the solution automatically fill in the Employee IDs for all users by changing the Employee ID look-up setting.

To change this setting in a project:

  1. On the navigation bar, click Security > Users.

  2. Click User Setting in the upper-right corner of the User room.
  3. In the User Setting dialog, do one of the following:
    • If you want to manually enter the Employee ID attribute for each user, select Manual Entry.
    • If you want the solution to automatically fill in the Employee ID attribute for all users, select Dynamic Look-up.
  4. Click Continue.

Tip: If you have auto provisioning enabled, we recommend that you select Dynamic Look-up for the Employee ID setting. By having the Employee ID attribute filled in when the user account is created, the solution can use the Employee ID to determine the user groups the user has been assigned and the data they can see.

How dynamic look-up works

To populate the user's Employee ID, the solution scans the latest data to find the employee profile that is associated with the user. The solution looks for a match between the Username attribute (the email address that you entered for the user) and an email address listed in the employee profile. If a matching email address is found, the solution uses the Employee ID listed in the employee profile to populate the user's Employee ID attribute.