Object Configuration API

Configure calculation concepts and selection concepts in your production environment.


  • This API makes requests and returns data based on your production environment in Visier unless otherwise specified.
  • Visier reserves the right to, without notice and at its sole discretion, add new elements to API responses. Authorized users who call Visier's APIs must set their JSON parsers to not fail on unknown properties or risk being unable to interpret such API's result set.

The Object Configuration API provides convenient access to your production concepts and their configuration details, plus the ability to update the configuration of calculation and selection concepts with an API. For more information about calculation and selection concepts, see Concepts.

Use this API to:

  • Retrieve calculation concepts and selection concepts in production.
  • Retrieve the configuration details of calculation concepts and selection concepts in production.
  • Configure calculation concepts and selection concepts in production.


If you submit API requests for changes that cause a project to publish to production, each request is individually published to production, resulting in hundreds or thousands of production versions. We recommend that you make many project changes in a single API request to:

  • Generate fewer production versions.
  • Improve API performance.
  • Reduce the impact on your API rate limit.