Create a Content Package

Set the content that is available to users in different parts of the solution experience.

  1. In a project, on the navigation bar, click Security > Content Packages.

  2. Click Add Content Package.
  3. Type the display name for the content package.
  4. Type a description for the content package.

    Tip: The description should include a summary of the content that users can see in the solution.

  5. To select the content that you want users to see, do the following:
    • In the Analyses tab, select the analyses that users can see in the solution. The Blueprint list contains the Visier analyses, the Customized list contains the analyses that you have created, and the Tags list sorts analyses by category or topic.
    • In the Metrics tab, select the metrics that users can see in the Metric picker.
    • In the Dimensions tab, select the attributes that can be used to add filters and group by.
    • In the Key Groups tab, select the user created groups that can be used to add filters and group by.
    • In the Plan Models tab, select the plan models that planners can create new plans for.
    • In the Guidebooks tab, select the guidebooks that the users can see in the solution. You can expand each guidebook to additionally select which topics to include or exclude in the content package.


    • To show or hide subject reference paths, in the Dimensions or Key Groups tab, select an item that you've granted filter or group by access to. In the Side pane, select the reference paths that the user can use for analysis. For more information, see Hide subject reference paths.
    • The visibility of the Headcount and Cost Planning (Classic) model cannot be changed in a content package.
  6. Click Close.

Tip: To use an existing content package as a template, in the Content Packages list, hover over the content package you want to copy, and click the Duplicate button .

Hide subject reference paths

When defining data access sets, you have the opportunity of granting access to properties of subjects that are referenced by the analytic object that you selected. These references provide users access to additional attributes they can use to filter and group by. For example, through the Employee to Direct Manager subject reference users can group employee data by the direct manager's age. You can hide these specific reference paths to further reduce the number of attributes that can be used to filter and group by.


Through different subject reference paths to the Employee subject, users can use the Age attribute to group their data by:

  • Candidate's age (Candidate > Employee)
  • Direct Manager's age (Employee > Direct Manager)
  • Hiring Manager's age (Requisition > Hiring Manager)
  • Recruiter's age (Requisition > Recruiter)

If you hide the subject reference path Requisition > Hiring Manager, users will not be able to filter or group data by the hiring manager's age.