Translate Solution Content

Export changes in your project to translate the content from the language you authored in to a target language.

Who can use this feature?

Users with this profile additional capability: 

  • Translation

Not sure if you have this feature or capability? Reach out to your administrator.

Visier allows you to create content, such as analyses and object descriptions, in your desired language based on your user preferences. For more information about language preferences, see Supported Languages or SAML assertion parameters.

Prerequisites: Set your user language preferences to the language you are authoring in.

Authoring translatable content

You must create content in one language per project.

If you author in multiple languages in one project, content may be missed in the translation export because you must select a single source language when exporting the project changes.


You and a colleague are authoring analyses in the same project, but your language is French and your colleague's language is English. You authored Analyses 1 (French) and your colleague authored Analysis 2 (English).

After committing the changes to your project, you export the translation strings and select the following settings:

  • Source language: French
  • Target language: English

The export will contain all the content authored in French and the returned strings after translation will be in English. However, Analysis 2 doesn't contain French strings because it was authored in English, so it won't be included in the translation export.

Additionally, if you change your language preference and return to your project that was authored in a different language, you may unintentionally overwrite your existing content in the project.

Caution: This may overwrite all content in the project! Ensure that you're authoring in one language per project.

Language-specific content is stored in objects, that is, if you only author an analysis in English, the French object for that same analysis is empty. If you change your language, Visier attempts to populate empty objects with available content so that every object has an identifiable display name.

By authoring in multiple languages in one project, you may overwrite existing content.


You are authoring an analysis in French. You leave the project and change your language preference to English. If you return to the project, Visier will show you English-language content. However, your analysis was authored in French, so the English object for that analysis is empty. Because the French object contains authored content, Visier duplicates that content into the English object so that the analysis has an identifiable display name. Additionally, in the project, every content object has been overwritten, including the ones that had existing content.

Exporting changes for translation

After authoring content in a source language, you can export the project changes to translate them into another language. You can also export all the translatable content in the production project. The export includes a ZIP file with a directory structure of all the modules, such as Organization and Talent, containing XLIFF translation files.

You may need to translate other files in addition to the XLIFF file, such as HTML and image files. Translated HTML and image files must be saved in the same folder as the XLIFF file with the language code as part of the file name.

Example: HTML file



Example: Image file




  • Objects without a module can be found in the NO_MODULE directory.
  • The module’s symbol name is used for the exported directory name.

To export solution content for translation:

  1. Open a project.
  2. Navigate to Model > Settings > Translation.
  3. To export translatable content, do one of the following:
    1. Click Export Project Changes. This downloads the project’s committed changes.
    2. Click Export Production. This downloads all the content that exists in production.
  4. Select a source locale. This is the language that you authored the content in.
  5. Select a target locale. This is the language that the source content will be translated into.
  6. Click Export.

    Result: A ZIP file containing the translation files is downloaded to your computer.

Importing translated files

Visier allows you to import translation files after the content is translated.

The imported file must be a compressed ZIP file that reflects the original directory structure and file names of the exported ZIP file with the updated strings in each of the translated files.

Note: The directory structure must have at least one translation file in each folder. If there’s an empty folder or a folder without a translation file, you must manually delete the folder before importing.

Compress the directory structure at the top-level folder so that the directory reflects the original structure of the exported translation. The ZIP file name is not required to be the same as the original file name from the export.

Visier expects the following folder structure in your ZIP file:

  • Top-level folder. For example, “Visier_Translation_And_Blobs”.
    • Module-level folders. For example, “Organization”.
      • Translation files. For example, “Visier_Translation.xlf”.

Ensure the correct code is used in the translated files for your target language:

Target Language


English - United States






Portuguese - Brazil


Spanish - Mexico


Spanish - Spain


To import translation files:

  1. Open a project.
  2. Navigate to Model > Settings > Translation.
  3. Click Import.
  4. Select the ZIP file.
  5. Click Upload File.
  6. On the navigation bar, click the Home button > Changes. You should see a change for each translation.
  7. Commit the changes to the project.

To validate the imported content:

  1. Change your user preferences to the target language.
  2. Return to your project.
  3. On the navigation bar, click Preview Solution.