Get Started with System Status API

Everything you need to know to get started with the System Status API.

Get a Visier account

To use the APIs, you must have a Visier account with a profile that has the API capability. If you don't have an account, contact your administrator. They will create an account for you with permissions that allow you to view data.

Generate your API key and security token

To make an API request, you will need an API key and a security token. For more information about how to get an API key and request a security token, see API Authentication.

Note: If using Postman to send requests, you can request a security token directly in the tool, see Use Postman to Call Visier APIs.

Choose your tool

To use Visier APIs, you need to choose a tool to make your first request. This can be Postman or whichever method you usually use to make HTTP requests. For more information about using Postman for your first request, see Use Postman to Call Visier APIs.

Make your first request

To test that you have everything set up correctly, we'll create a request to retrieve Visier's current system status using the /v1/admin/system-status endpoint. For a complete list of available endpoints, see "System Status" in API Reference.

The following sample request retrieves Visier's current system status. Replace {vanity_name} with your tenant name. The API key is expected as a header, while the security token is expected as a cookie.

cURL sample request: Check the overall current status of Visier's systems
curl -X GET --url 'https://{vanity_name}' \
-H 'apikey:{api_key}' \
-H 'Cookie:VisierASIDToken={security_token}'

If everything was set up correctly and the request was successful, you should see a similar response:

Sample response

Next steps

Now that you've successfully authenticated and completed your first API request, you can call more Visier APIs!

For more information, see "System Status" in Administration API Reference.