Data Intake API Overview

Learn more about the Data Intake API.

Note: Limited Availability This feature is in limited availability. If you are interested, please contact your Partner Success Manager.

The Data Intake API allows you to send data to Visier tenants. With this API, you can send batches of records to Visier incrementally through transfer sessions. Each transfer session can target individual tenants and sources. Batches of records can be transferred using JSON payloads or file payloads. After the data is added successfully, you may complete the session by triggering a receiving job. A receiving job validates the transferred data and places the records into Visier's data store.

To begin transferring data to Visier tenants and sources, we recommend following these steps:

  1. Identify the target tenant. For administrating tenants transferring records to multiple analytic tenants, each request should identify the tenant code for the target analytic tenant.
  2. Retrieve a list of sources and the associated source schemas.

    Note: If there are no sources, reach out to Visier Customer Success to create the appropriate sources.

  3. Start a transfer session.
  4. Transfer data in batches to each tenant and selected sources.
  5. Complete the transfer session by initiating a receiving job.
  6. Check the status of the receiving and processing jobs.

In the API, you can push data through JSON, CSV, or ZIP files to your existing sources in Visier. This API doesn't require knowledge of the object's underlying technologies, however, this API requires that your Visier solution has the right sources, mappings, and rules prior to using the API. This API may be right for your organization if you want to send raw data to Visier and let our platform perform transformations to ensure your data is in the right format for use in Visier.

The Data Intake API processes files in the following steps:

  • Retrieve a list of sources: Discover the sources that you can send data to.
  • Start a transfer session: Create a transfer session to contain your data. A transfer session can include one or more batches of records to be sent to Visier.
  • Send data to Visier through one of the following:
    • Transfer data to sources via JSON: Send data to Visier in a batch of records formatted as a comma-separated array with the first row containing the column headers in the request body. Each subsequent request should also include the first row as a header.
    • Transfer data to sources via file upload: Send data to Visier as CSV or ZIP files. Each request transfers a single file. If the data intended for Visier is stored in multiple files, you may compress them into a single ZIP file or make multiple requests within the same transfer session.
  • Complete a transfer session: Start a receiving job to load the data into Visier and validate the transferred data.
  • Retrieve a receiving job's status (Optional): Retrieve the status of the receiving job that was triggered after completing a transfer session.
  • Retrieve processing job statuses by receiving job ID (Optional): Retrieve the status of the processing jobs that were triggered by the receiving job.
  • Cancel a transfer session (Optional): If you want to cancel a transfer session due to uploading incorrect data files or other issues, you can cancel the session. After canceling a session, the session cannot be used again. To continue, you must start a new transfer session.