Analysis Email Push Engagement Rates

Learn how the Sent, Opened, and Clicked Rates are calculated.


For each schedule, we provide sent, open, and click rates to help you measure the audience engagement of your analysis email. These statistics are a great starting point to test and improve your analysis emails. You can find the Engagement Rates in the Scheduled by me tab of the Analyses room. For more information, see Manage Email Push Schedules in the Analyses Room.

You can track and review the following rates for each schedule:

  • Sent: The percentage of emails that were successfully sent out for delivery.
  • Opened: The percentage of total recipients who opened the email.
  • Clicked: The percentage of total recipients who clicked a link from the email and logged in to view the contents.
  • Unsubscribed: The percentage of total recipients that have chosen not to receive further emails from the schedule.

Users that have opted out of all analysis emails and recipients that have unsubscribed from the specific schedule are not included in the total recipients count.

Calculation details

How the Sent Rate is calculated

The Sent Rate is the number of recipients we were successfully able to deliver emails to divided by the total number of recipients. Users that have opted out of all analysis emails and recipients that have unsubscribed from the specific schedule are not included in the total recipients count.

The Sent Rate is based on the best-effort delivery model. This means we cannot guarantee the analysis was delivered to a recipient's primary inbox.

Analysis emails will not be sent if:

  • The recipient doesn't have access to the analysis.
  • There is an error in processing the analysis for the recipient.

How the Opened Rate and Clicked Rate are calculated

The Opened Rate is the number of times a recipient has opened an analysis email divided by the total number of recipients.

The Clicked Rate is the number of times a recipient has clicked the analysis link and viewed content in the solution divided by the total number of recipients.

Users that have opted out of all analysis emails and recipients that have unsubscribed from the specific schedule are not included in the total recipients count.

To calculate the Opened Rate, we embed an invisible image in each email. A recipient is counted as having opened the email when the image is loaded. Even though this is an industry best practice, you can see that this measure is not 100% accurate because there are cases where the recipient could have opened the email without the image being loaded. For example, if the recipient has turned off images in their emails or opened the email in a preview screen, they won't be counted. To increase the accuracy of this measure, we also factor in click-throughs when measuring the Opened Rate. Since recipients have to open an email to click a link inside it, we will count an email as being opened each time a click is recorded, even if the image is not loaded.

To improve the Opened Rate, you can also ask your recipients to:

  • Add the email address as a trusted contact so the analysis emails don't end up in their spam folder.
  • Allow images to be displayed in their email client.

Why are the Opened and Clicked rates over 100%

The Opened and Clicked rates can be over 100% because we count the:

  • Total number of actions made by each user. For example, we will count each time Pam opens the email.
  • Actions of users who are not included in the recipient list. For example, Pam forwards the analysis email to Jim who is not an original recipient. We will count each time Jim clicks through to the analysis.

Example: Let's say you scheduled an analysis email to be sent to four recipients (Angela, Kevin, Michael, and Pam) and the following actions were tracked:

  • Pam opens the email five times and clicks through to the analysis three times. Pam also forwards the email to Jim.
  • Angela, Kevin, and Michael ignore the email and never open it.
  • Jim opens the email three times and clicks through to the analysis two times.

The Opened Rate for this schedule is calculated as follows:

The Clicked Rate for this schedule is calculated as follows:


Why Opened and Clicked Rates are important

The Opened and Clicked Rates give you a sense of how your analysis email is performing with your audience. If the Opened Rate is high, it means your subject line is able to grab the attention of the recipient and provides a compelling reason for them to open the email. If your Clicked Rate is high, it means the analysis content is relevant to those who opened your email. Make time to review the Engagement Rates, consider what factors might have affected your results, and test your hypotheses the next time you schedule an analysis email.

How the Unsubscribed Rate is calculated

The Unsubscribed Rate is the number of recipients that have chosen not to receive further emails from the schedule divided by the total number of recipients. Users that have opted out of all analysis emails and recipients that have unsubscribed from the specific schedule are not included in the total recipients count. The unsubscribe action is counted once per recipient for each delivery.

Note: Recipients that have resubscribed are included in the calculation of the Unsubscribed Rate. However, they will not be included in the list of unsubscribed users.

Example: Let's say you scheduled an analysis email to be sent to five recipients (Angela, Kevin, Michael, Dwight, and Pam) on a monthly occurrence and the following actions were tracked:

  • June 2: Angela unsubscribes from the scheduled analysis using the link from the June delivery.
  • June 4: Jim unsubscribes from the scheduled analysis using the link from the June delivery.
  • June 25: Jim resubscribes to the scheduled analysis using the link from the June delivery.
  • July 14: Pam unsubscribes from the scheduled analysis using the link from the July delivery.
  • July 29: Jim unsubscribes to the scheduled analysis using the link from the July delivery.

The Unsubscribed Rate for the June delivery, at the end of the month, is calculated as follows:

In this example, Angela and Jim unsubscribed from the June delivery. Jim's unsubscribe action is counted even though he has resubscribed to the schedule by the end of June.

The Unsubscribed Rate for the July delivery, at the end of the month, is calculated as follows:

In this example, Pam and Jim unsubscribed from the July delivery. Angela is not included in the July count as she unsubscribed from the schedule in June and was not included in the recipient list for July.