The Planning Grid Views

Use the pivot controls to change what is displayed on the planning grid.

Segments view

In Segments view, the planning grid is broken down by the segments you included in your plan framework, as shown in the following illustration.

You can use the Context picker to focus on a specific plan item. Use this view to enter plan values for a specific plan item across all segments.

To switch to Segments view, click Segments.

Plan Items view

In Plan Items view, the planning grid is broken down by the metrics that make up the model, as shown in the following illustration.

You can use the Context picker to focus on a specific segment. Use this view to enter plan values for all plan items in a specific segment.

If you need quick reference information about the plan items, hover over the plan item until the Help button appears. Hover over the Help button to view a description of the plan item and click More info for calculation details and additional guidance.

To switch to Plan Items view, click Plan Items.