How to Share Your Plan

Learn how to share your plan with stakeholders.

The plans that you create are private until you decide to share them with other users. When you share a plan with a user, they will be able to open the plan from the Plans shared with me section and access the metrics associated with the plan in Explore.

Note: To view the plan metrics in Explore, users must have the appropriate security access to the segments and plan items that are included in the plan. For more information about user security, contact your administrator.

When sharing your plan, you can give other users view only access or edit access to your plan.

View only access

View only access lets users view and comment on your plan. Users with view only access cannot edit the plan itself. View only access is best when you need to share a finalized plan with stakeholders or if you want to gather feedback on a plan.

Note: Sharing a plan with users who do not have any planning capabilities assigned to them will grant them view only access to the plan.

Edit access

Edit access lets users view, comment, and edit your plan. Edit access is best when you share plan coordinating responsibilities with another person in your organization. If you want users to be responsible for completing a specific segment of the plan, we recommend that you start a collaboration project and assign them a subplan. For more information, see Share a Plan.


  • To ensure users do not overwrite each other's work, only one user can edit the plan at a time. If you open a plan that is being edited by another user, you will have view only rights. You can edit the plan after the other user clicks End Editing, closes the plan, or is inactive for over 30 minutes. We recommend that you communicate with your co-planners when you want to work on the plan.
  • Plan Administrators with edit access can create scenarios and generate plan snapshots when a plan is shared with them.

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