Workforce Planning

Learn how the application is designed to help you create an effective workforce plan.

Visier Planning enables fast, continuous, collaborative, and cost-driven workforce planning where decisions are made based on up-to-date insights into your own workforce data, trends, and financial constraints.

Note: To add Visier Planning, contact Visier Technical Support.

Keep HR and Finance in sync during the planning process

To create an effective workforce plan that meets the business objectives of your organization, it’s critical that Finance and HR work together. Finance has the breadth of expertise that’s required to create a company-wide budget and manage workforce costs, but lack the insight into the talent and timing needs of the organization. HR can help Finance refine the budget and accurately allocate the headcount because they know what roles and skills are needed in the organization. The planning solution lets you keep Finance and HR in sync during the planning process, so they can create a workforce plan that brings together the right talent, at the right time, and at the right cost.

Onboard the Finance workforce budget and forecast to Visier

Working with your Visier Customer Value Manager, you can now onboard budget and forecast data into the solution as part of your scheduled data load. You can load headcount or total cost of workforce data from Finance’s plan. This lets you see headcount and cost limits by department or organization and variance from the budget when creating plans.

Distribute Finance’s budget as fiscal-year-end goals to subplanners

Distribute the budget from Finance to individual lines of the business to ensure that all departments create workforce plans that align with a common corporate fiscal-year-end goal.

Link workforce plan limits to the budget set by Finance

In the workforce plan, you can link cost and headcount limits to your Finance team’s budget or forecast. This lets you see how you’re progressing towards those goals and ensure you stay on track while planning.

Monitor financial plan performance versus actuals

As the fiscal year progresses, you can compare the actual cost of workforce or headcount to the budget or most recent forecast provided by Finance. See how efficiently the budget is being utilized and determine what actions are required to stay on track.

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