Import or Export a Project Changelist

Learn how to import an existing changelist or export your project changelist.

Note: If you want to share your project changes with another user, see Share a Project.

Import a changelist

You can import an existing changelist to create a new project with those changes, or you can import a changelist into an existing project. If you've made a lot of changes to a tenant that need to be made in another tenant, import the changelist to avoid making the changes again manually.

To create a new project by importing a changelist:

  1. On the global navigation bar, click Projects.
  2. Under Draft Projects, click Import Changelist.
  3. Select the changelist .zip file.
  4. Click Open.

    Result: You are redirected into a new project with the imported changes.

To import a changelist into your existing project:

  1. Open a project.
  2. On the navigation bar, click the Home button > Changes.
  3. Click Actions > Import Project.
  4. Select the changelist ZIP file.
  5. Click Open.

Note: If changes in your project conflict with the imported changes, you will be prompted to use the merge tool to resolve the conflicts. For more information, see Merge Project Changes.

Export a changelist

Export a project to your local computer to save a copy of your changes outside the solution. This is helpful when a project is archived, but you want to keep the changes available to you.

  1. In a project, on the navigation bar, click the Home button .
  2. Click the More button .
  3. Click Export Project.

    Result: A ZIP file is downloaded to your computer.