Profile Capabilities

A capability exists within a profile and defines the actions users can perform in the studio experience.

All capabilities are disabled by default. If enabled, you can assign an access level and a view level.

  • Access level: Defines whether the user can view content or change content.
  • View level: Defines whether the user can view a limited amount of content or all content.

The following table explains access levels and view levels for capabilities.

Level Value Description
Access Read Can view content.
Access Write Can view and update content.
Access No Access Cannot view content.
View Simple Can view limited predefined aspects of objects such as basic information.
View Certified Can view and edit most customizable and configurable aspects in Studio.
View Detailed Can view all customizable and configurable aspects of objects.
View No Access Cannot view content.

Note: If access level is disabled, view level is always "No Access".

Capabilities are categorized as follows:

  • Data: Map and create rules for your data.
  • Model: Create and configure objects in the solution.
  • Planning: Create, manage, and configure plan objects in the application.
  • Security: Manage permissions, analytic capabilities, and content packages for your users.
  • Tenant Management: Edit properties for the tenant including changing the display name, vanity URL, and enabled modules.
  • User Management: Define users, control their access to the studio experience, and assign permissions.