Groups and Key Groups

Use groups and key groups to quickly focus on the analysis population that's most important to you.


Groups and key groups are custom sets of attribute values that allow you to quickly slice and dice your data. For example, you can create a group named the Pacific Region that consists of the attribute values Calgary, Edmonton, Las Vegas, San Jose, and Vancouver. Once saved, you can use the group to focus your chart, filter your data, and compare against others.

If you are constantly recreating and applying the same filter to your charts, we recommend that you save the attribute values as a group or key group for future use. This will allow you to focus on the analysis population that’s most important to you.

Groups vs. key groups


Groups consist of attribute values from one attribute.


You apply the following filter to see the Headcount for specific departments: Organization: HR, Finance, IT. By saving this set of attribute values, you will have created a group because you selected values (HR, Finance, and IT) from a single attribute (Organization).

Saved groups can be found under the attribute that was used to create it in the Filter picker and Focus On picker.

For more information on how to create a group, see Create a Group.

Key groups

Key groups consist of attribute values from more than one attribute.


You apply the following filters to see the Headcount for women who are high performers and have been waiting for a promotion for more than two years:

  • Gender: Female
  • Performance Rating: Level 4, Level 5
  • Promotion Wait Time: 2-3 yrs, 3+ yrs

By saving this set of attribute values, you will have created a key group because you selected values from more than one attribute:

  • Female is a value from the Gender attribute.
  • Level 4 and Level 5 are values from the Performance Rating attribute.
  • 2-3 yrs, 3+ yrs are values from the Promotion Wait Time attribute.

The Key Group Manager is where all your key groups, including those that have been shared with you, are saved. You can edit, share, and delete key groups from the Key Group Manager, which can be accessed through the Filter picker or a key group label.

For more information on how to create a key group, see Create a Key Group.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when groups or key groups are edited?

When a group or key group is edited, the changes will be applied to any existing capture or analysis chart that uses the group or key group. If the changes result in conflicting contexts, the group or key group will take precedence. Any context (filters, groups, or key groups) that conflicts with the updated group or key group will be dropped.

Example: Conflicting context when a group or key group is changed

You have a capture of the Breakdown of Headcount by Organization with the following analysis context applied:

  • Gender: Female
  • Location Hierarchy: Canada
  • Users (a key group defined as Function: Finance, HR, IT)

Let's say the definition for Users is changed from Function: Finance, HR, IT to Location Hierarchy: US. As a result, your capture will have the following analysis context applied:

  • Gender: Female
  • Users (a key group defined as Location Hierarchy: US)

The filter Location Hierarchy: Canada was dropped from your capture because it conflicts with the updated key group definition.

What happens when groups and key groups are unshared or deleted?

If you lose access to a group or key group, you can no longer use them in filter, focus on, or compare workflows. However, any existing capture or analysis chart that uses the group and key group will not be impacted.

Can user created key groups be used when creating custom Guidebooks?

No. User-created key groups cannot be applied when creating a custom Guidebook.Administrators can create a key group in the studio experience on behalf of their tenant.

Can I create a group or key group in a project?

No. Groups and key groups cannot be created in projects. To create a group or key group, make sure you are working in the current production version of the solution.

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