Upload Reported Data Issues

Flag and fix data issues in bulk by uploading a spreadsheet.


As an administrator, instead of reporting data issues using the solution experience, you can compile a list of reported items in a spreadsheet and bulk upload them. To report data issues in bulk, you will download a XLSX file, add a row for each reported issue using an editor like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, and then upload the file to import the reported issues back to the solution.

Upload reported data issues

  1. On the global navigation bar, click Data > Reported Issues.
  2. To download the spreadsheet, click Download Template in the Reported Issues tab.
  3. Open the spreadsheet in the application of your choice and do the following:
    • Report an incorrect attribute value for a subject by adding a row in the Subject Member Update sheet. For example, add a new row to report an incorrect Job Name value for an employee.
    • Report a missing event by adding a row in the Event Creation sheet. For example, add a new row to report a missing Interview event for a candidate.
  4. Save the file after making your changes.
  5. Go back to the Reported Issues tab in the global workspace.
  6. To upload the spreadsheet, click Upload Reported Issues in the Reported Issues tab, and select the spreadsheet on your computer.

    Result: The reported issues from the spreadsheet will be imported and appear in the Reported Issues tab.

Once uploaded, you can add the reported issues to a project in the studio experience and publish the corrections. For more information, see Manage Reported Data Issues.

Tip: How to fill out the columns in the template

  • Download a list of the existing reported issues and use it as a guide when filling in the template. To download the list of reported issues, click Data > Reported Issues on the global navigation bar, and then click Download Reported Issues in the Reported Issues tab.
  • You can also leave columns blank and fix the missing information in the studio experience after you've uploaded the reported issues. For example, it's easier to configure the attributes for a missing event in the studio experience instead of writing JSON in the template.

The Reported Issues template

Use the following information as guidance when completing the Reported Issues template.

Subject Member Update sheet

Add a row to report a data issue for an attribute.

Column Description
Analytic Object The Object Name of the subject you're reporting a data issue for. To find the Object Name of the analytic object, click Model > Analytic Objects in a project.
Subject Member ID The unique identifier of the subject member you're reporting a data issue for. You can look up the Subject Member ID using the Detailed View visual in the solution experience.
Attribute Name The Object Name of the attribute you're reporting a data issue for. To find the Object Name of the attribute, click Model > Analytic Objects in a project, select the analytic object, and click the Attributes tab.
Suggested Value The new attribute value.
Start Date The first day when the suggested value is valid.
End Date The last day when the suggested value is valid. The End Date is exclusive.

Let's say you're reporting an incorrect Job Name value for an employee. Employee-1997's Job Name should be Senior Product Manager from April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2020. You would enter the following details in the spreadsheet:

  • Analytic Object: Employee
  • Subject Member ID: Employee-1997
  • Attribute Name: Employee.Job_Name
  • Suggested Value: Senior Product Manager
  • Start Date: 2018-04-01
  • End Date: 2020-07-01

Event Creation sheet

Add a row to report a missing event.

Column Description
Analytic Object The Object Name of the subject you're reporting a data issue for. To find the Object Name of the analytic object, click Model > Analytic Objects in a project.
Subject Member ID The unique identifier of the subject member you're reporting a data issue for. You can look up the Subject Member ID using the Detailed View visual in the solution experience.
Event Date The day in which the missing event occurred.
Updated Values The attribute values for the missing event. This is written in JSON.

Let's say you're reporting a missing Pay Change event for an employee on April 1, 2018.

  • Analytic Object: Employee
  • Subject Member ID: Employee-1997
  • Event Date: 2018-04-01
  • Updated Values: {"attributes":[{"name":"Pay_Change.Change_Amount","value":"50","hasValue":true,"unableToEditAfterCreation":false},{"name":"Pay_Change.Change_Percent","value":"0.4","hasValue":true,"unableToEditAfterCreation":false},{"name":"Pay_Change.Currency","value":"USD","hasValue":true,"unableToEditAfterCreation":false},{"name":"Pay_Change.EmployeeID","value":"Employee-1997","hasValue":true,"unableToEditAfterCreation":true},{"name":"Pay_Change.Pay_Cycle","value":"On-Cycle","hasValue":true,"unableToEditAfterCreation":false},{"name":"Pay_Change.Reason","value":"Move related Adjustment","hasValue":true,"unableToEditAfterCreation":false}]}