Restate Your Data

Learn how to replace previously loaded files to correct data errors.


A restatement is required when you have a data version based on one or many files containing data errors, for example, an incorrect Job Name attribute value for Employee XYZ.

Restating your data is the process of excluding previously loaded files containing errors, and replacing them with a new set of files that includes the previously valid records and newly corrected records. This method is often the easiest way to delete data and capture retroactive changes in the source system.

Restating your data is the simplest and recommended approach for correcting errors in your data. If you cannot perform restatements or have more advanced needs around corrections, contact Visier Support.

In this tutorial, we will walk you through the restatement process, explaining when and how to use it effectively, ensuring your data remains accurate and reliable.


By the end of this tutorial, you'll be well-equipped to maintain the accuracy and reliability of your data.

You will learn how to:

  • Exclude previously loaded files

  • Upload newly corrected files


Before beginning this tutorial, you will need:


Exclude previously loaded files

The most common scenario when performing a restatement is to exclude all previously loaded files. This approach is appropriate when it is not apparent which file the data errors originated from or if there are multiple corrupt files. It is also the cleanest option as you are effectively starting over with a blank page. If you want to restate a subset of uploads, you can also include or exclude a specified list of data uploads when using the Retrieve data uploads request.

In each request, we will replace the {vanity_name} with our tenant name jupiter and include the API key and security token as a header.

cURL sample request: Exclude all data uploads for the tenant WFF_j1r~c7o
curl -X PUT --url ' \
-H 'apikey:{api_key}' \
-H 'Cookie:VisierASIDToken={security_token}'
-d model=
                "tenantCode": "WFF_j1r~c7o"
                "excludeAll": true

The response returns details about the request's success, including totalFailures, totalSuccess, and uploads.


Sample response

    "totalFailures": 0,
    "totalSuccess": 0,
    "uploads": []

Upload newly corrected files

This step will depend on your preferred method for uploading data to Visier, such as manual uploads, SFTP, or connectors. Since you have now excluded all previously loaded data, the new files should include a full history of previously correct records along with the newly corrected records. For more information, see File Upload.

If you are using connectors, you would override the “overrideLastExtractionTimestamp” parameter to the initial effective date in your data set to pull a full history. For more information, see Run a Data Connector Extraction Job.