Run a Job

Learn how to run a job to generate a new data version in a project or for production.


Depending on your profile access, you can run a job in the global workspace or in a project. In the global workspace, administrators can generate a new data version by running a job if there's new or updated data in Visier. In a project, running a job generates a new data version after adding new data to Visier.

Run a job in the global workspace

Note: Your existing settings for your scheduled jobs will apply to an administrator-run job. For more information about your settings, see Release Behavior.

  1. On the global navigation bar, click Data > Jobs.
  2. Click Run Job.

    Result: A data load job starts. If successful, the data load job generates a new data version. If your release behavior is set to Auto-release latest, the new data version is immediately available in production

You can monitor the progress of your job in the Jobs room. For more information, see Jobs.

Note: If the Jobs room doesn't list a job that you just started, the job may still be in the queue. Wait a few minutes and then refresh the Jobs list. When the job begins running, it will appear in the list.

Run a job in a project

Who can use this feature?

Users with this profile:

  • Data Engineer

Not sure if you have this feature or capability? Reach out to your administrator.

  1. In a project, on the navigation bar, click Data > Data Categories.

  2. On the data category you want to create a new data version, click the More button .
  3. Click Run job or Run job for partial data version.

    Note: Run job for partial data version is a special data load job that allows you to select specific analytic objects to include in the job, rather than all the data in your tenant. This is useful for faster data testing because you can select only the data you're interested in validating. Partial data versions are only valid in a project; they cannot be published to production.

  4. In the Run job dialog, do the following:
    1. In Generate debugging info, select one of the following:
      • None: No debugging information is generated about the job. This is the default behavior.
      • For stages and records: Debugging information is generated at the end of each stage and provides the final result of a stage.
      • For stages, records, and rules: Debugging information is generated for all rules in each stage: business rules, system rules, and multi-subject rules. Jobs set to For stages, records, and rules run for longer because there is more information to generate.
    2. If For stages and records or For stages, records, and rules, select one of the following to define the level of detail to return about the debugging information:
      • Show file and line: Returns the file and line values for the data in the debugging information.
      • Show mapping: Returns the mapping names that correspond to the data in the debugging information.
    3. Enable or disable Use alerts. If enabled, all enabled alerts check the data in the job. For more information, see Alerts.
    4. Enable or disable Enable normalizer cache. If enabled, the normalizer cache minimizes source upload processing to improve job performance. We recommend always enabling the normalizer cache.
  5. If running a partial job, click Next and then select the analytic objects to include in the job.
  6.  Click Run Job.

    Result: After a job processes data successfully, a new data version is available. To view the new data version in a project, you may need to change the project's data version. For more information, see Set the Data Version.

Note: Generated data versions may cause issues and warnings. For more information, see Issues.