
An alert is a method of monitoring metric and member values in your data.

Administrators can create subject member alerts, user group alerts, and metric alerts, and enable, disable, or edit system alerts created by Visier. Each alert is configured with acceptance criteria for specific subject members, user groups, or metrics. Every time a job runs, the enabled alerts check the data in the job to determine whether the data is acceptable. If the data is unacceptable, the alert is triggered and results in issues. For more information about issues, see Issues.

An alert may be critical or non-critical. You as an administrator can choose the notifications you want to send and whether a data version should fail when an alert occurs. For more information, see Alerts Settings. A failed data version isn't released to production unless an administrator makes it visible. For more information, see Make a Failed Data Version Visible. Using alerts to fail a data version allows you to investigate major data concerns in the data version and prevent bad data from releasing to production. If a non-critical alert is triggered, issues are generated in the data version and the recipients listed in the alerts settings are notified.

You can create multiple alerts for the same metric, user group, or subject member. All enabled alerts will run against the metric, user group, or subject member when a job runs. You can set alerts for different ranges to cover different severity of changes. For example, you could set a range of -15% to 15% as a Critical alert for Voluntary Turnover Rate, whereas an alert of -2% to 2% is not critical for Voluntary Turnover Rate.

Example: Let's say your organization sets Headcount to an expected range of -2% to 2%. Any changes to your organization's headcount value that exceeds 2% in any direction will trigger the metric alert when a new data version is generated and cause an issue to be created. If the Headcount alert is critical, any changes exceeding 2% in any direction will fail the data version and require an admin to review the data version.

Visier supports the following alerts:

  • Metric alert: Checks if a metric value exceeds the expected range specified by the user. For more information, see Create or Configure a Metric Alert.
  • Subject member alert: Expects that a specific subject member's property value will not change from a certain value. For more information, see Create or Configure a Subject Member Alert.
  • User group alert: Checks if users have been added to or removed from a specific user group. For more information, see Create or Configure a User Group Alert.
  • System alert: Compares metric values from data version to data version (DV to DV). The default expected range of change for each metric is -5% to 5% for a 6-month rolling period or -15% to 15% for a 1-month rolling window; however, administrators can edit the expected range, or disable the system alerts. System alerts are defined for each analytic object by referencing the analytic object's default metric. For more information about an object's default metric, contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM). For more information about system alerts, see Generate or Configure System Alerts.

As an administrator, you can choose who to notify and whether you want to fail a data version when a critical alert is triggered. For more information, see Alerts Settings.

To access the alerts in your Visier solution or create new alerts, open a project and navigate to Validation > Alerts.

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