Get Started with Visier APIs

Everything you need to know to get started with Visier's suite of public APIs.

The following screenshots show you how to read a Visier API reference.

  1. Endpoint title: An action statement about what the API endpoint does.
  2. Method and URL: The action and URL associated with the API endpoint. Visier APIs use GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE methods. The URL shown in the API reference is a shortened version of the full API URL; for example, /v1/data/model/analytic-objects/{objectId}/properties is short for https://{vanity-name}{objectId}/properties.
  3. Description: A description about what you can do with the API endpoint.
  4. Parameters: The parameters that you can set in the API request.
    • Name: The name of a parameter; for example, objectId is a parameter you can set in your API request.
    • Description: A description about what the parameter defines in the API request.
    • Type: The data type of the parameter, such as string, integer, or Boolean.
    • Location: Where to specify the parameter.
      • A URL parameter is specified in the endpoint URL; for example, in the URL /v1/data/model/analytic-objects/{objectId}/properties, objectId is a parameter that you specify in the URL, such as /v1/data/model/analytic-objects/Employee/properties.
      • A query parameter is specified in the URL after a ? as a key-value pair; for example, the id query parameter is defined in a URL as /v1/admin/users/Employee/properties?id=Job_Code&id=Birth_Date.
  5. Show/Close: Expands or collapses the API endpoint.
  6. Copy: Copies the URL to your clipboard.

  1. Request body: The fields that you can specify in the body of an API request.
  2. Example Value | Schema: An example of the request body fields and the schema for the fields. If you click Example Value, you can see the request body fields in JSON format. If you click Schema, you can see a list of all available request body fields and their descriptions.
  3. Request body fields: In the Schema tab, view the available request body fields, their data types, and their descriptions.
  4. Responses: The potential response to your API call, including all possible response fields in Example Value | Schema.
    • Code: The response status code.
    • Description: The response description.
    • Media Type: The response format.
    • Links: Any links to other API endpoints.