Data Version Export API

Export data version information, such as tables, columns, and file information, in CSV format.


  • Alpha This API is in alpha. While in alpha, APIs may change in a breaking way without notice; functionality may be removed, and no deprecation notices will be issued. If you are interested in using this API, please contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM).
  • This API makes requests and returns data based on your production environment in Visier unless otherwise specified.

  • Visier reserves the right to, without notice and at its sole discretion, add new elements to API responses. Authorized users who call Visier's APIs must set their JSON parsers to not fail on unknown properties or risk being unable to interpret such API's result set.

This API supports exporting data versions from your tenant's primary data category. It does not export supplementary data category data versions, such as Usage data versions.

You can export a data version's full data or export the differences between two data versions. The API returns the following information:

  • The tables in the data version, such as the Employee data table or Applicant data table.
  • The columns in each table, such as EmployeeID in the Employee table.
  • Each column's data type, whether the column value can be null, and whether a column is part of the primary key.

If exporting the delta (differences) between two data versions (dataVersionNumber compared to baseDataVersionNumber), the API returns the following additional information:

  • Tables that are new in the data version that didn't exist in the base data version.
  • Tables that no longer exist in the data version that did exist in the base data version.
  • Columns that exist in both data versions.
  • Columns that are new in the data version that didn't exist in the base data version.
  • Columns that no longer exist in the data version that did exist in the base data version.

The export response returns a downloadable file for each table in the data version. The file contains data produced by Visier's data processing job and represents the state of your data in the exported data version. Data version export files are in CSV format, compressed with gzip. For more information about the recommended Data Version Export API workflow, see Data Version Export API Overview.