Schedule a Job

Schedule a job to run at a specified date and time.

If your data load routine is defined from end-to-end and stable, you may want to schedule your jobs to automate the data version generation process.

A scheduled job generates a new data version for the production version of the solution. If you want to run a job for data within a project, it must be run on an ad-hoc basis. For more information, see Run a Job.

Create a job schedule

Creating a job schedule is only available in the production version of your solution. In a draft project, you cannot create a recurrent schedule or custom schedule.

  1. Open the current production project.
  2. Navigate to Data > Jobs > Schedule.
  3. Click Schedule job.
  4. In the Schedule job dialog, do one of the following: 
    • To run the job once immediately, enable Run now.
    • To schedule the job to run once at a later time, disable Run now
      1. In Schedule on, set the date, time, and timezone for the job to run.
      2. In Repeat, select Never. This means the job will run once at the scheduled time.
    • To schedule recurrent jobs, disable Run now.
      1. In Schedule on, set the date, time, and timezone for the initial job to run.
      2. In Repeat, select Regular or Custom. This means the job will run at each of the specified times.
          1. If Regular, in Every, set how often the schedule repeats, such as every day or every Friday.
          2. If Custom, click Add Date to run a job on specific dates and times. Repeat as many times as needed to create your custom job schedule.
  5. Enable Process data. This tells the job to process your data in Visier and generate a new data version when finished.

    Note: Requires a data category. For more information, see Data Categories.

  6. Optional: If you use data connectors, enable Extract data to run a data connector extraction job.
    1. Enable or disable Generate objects. If enabled, the job generates data categories, sources, mappings, rules, and other objects for the extracted data. Only enable the first time you run an extraction job for a new connector.
    2. In Connectors, click Edit to select the connectors to run the job for. Alternatively, deselect all connectors to run a job for all connectors, including any connectors added in the future.
    3. Optional: In Quick extraction options, do any of the following:
      • Enable Limit history with monthly snapshots. If enabled, type the number of months to retrieve snapshot data from.

        Note: Only available for some connectors, such as Workday and Oracle Fusion Services.

      • Enable Limit history. If enabled, type the number of years to retrieve data from.

        Note: Only available for the Workday connector.

      • Enable Limit records from. If enabled, the job retrieves records that changed after the specified date and time.
      • Enable Limit records to. If enabled, the job retrieves records that changed before the specified date and time.
      • Enable Offset last extraction. If enabled, type the number of weeks from which to retrieve data. This overrides the last extraction date to retrieve more data.
    4. Optional: In Advanced, do any of the following:
      • Enable Custom batch size. If enabled, type the maximum amount of IDs the job can retrieve in each batch.
      • Enable Custom SQL batch size. If enabled, type the maximum amount of table records the job can retrieve in each batch.
      • Enable Custom extraction parallelism. If enabled, type the number of requests the job can perform in parallel.
      • Enable ID block size override. If enabled, type the number of worker IDs to retrieve per request. Only available for the Workday V2 connector.
  7. In Data Category, select the data category in which to run the job. For more information, see Data Categories.
  8. Optional: To generate debugging information about the job, expand Advanced.
    • In Generate debugging info, select one of the following:
      • None: No debugging information is generated about the job. This is the default behavior.
      • For stages and records: Debugging information is generated at the end of each stage and provides the final result of a stage.
      • For stages, records, and rules: Debugging information is generated for all rules in each stage: business rules, system rules, and multi-subject rules. Jobs set to For stages, records, and rules run for longer because there is more information to generate.
    • If For stages and records or For stages, records, and rules, select one of the following to define the level of detail to return about the debugging information:
      • Show file and line: Returns the file and line values for the data in the debugging information.
      • Show mapping: Returns the mapping names that correspond to the data in the debugging information.
  9. If scheduling a job for later, you can also set the behavior If there are no new files as one of:
    • Skip: If there are new files that connect to a source, the job will include those files in the data version. If there are no new files, the job will still run using existing files. This is the default.
    • Fail: If there are no new files, the job will fail.
    • Reschedule job: If there are incomplete files or no new files, the job will be rescheduled.
  10. Click Schedule.

    Result: The job will run at the selected time. To see the job's progress, navigate to the Status tab in the Jobs room. For more information about jobs, see Jobs.