Data Intake API

Send your raw data files to Visier and let us take care of the rest.

Tip: To send raw data to Visier, we recommend the Data Upload API because it is simpler and stabler than the Data Intake API. For example, the Data Intake API uses three API calls to send data to Visier, whereas the Data Upload API uses one API call. For more information, see Data Upload API.


  • Limited Availability This feature is in limited availability. If you are interested, please contact your Customer Success Manager.
  • This API makes requests and returns data based on your production environment in Visier unless otherwise specified.
  • Visier reserves the right to, without notice and at its sole discretion, add new elements to API responses. Authorized users who call Visier's APIs must set their JSON parsers to not fail on unknown properties or risk being unable to interpret such API's result set.

If your data requires transformations to work with Visier, you can use the Data Intake API to send raw data to Visier. To use this API, your Visier solution must contain existing mappings and rules. After we receive the data, Visier runs business rules to transform your data into the expected format for the existing mappings.

With this API, you can:

  • Retrieve a list of the sources in Visier so you know what kind of data you can send.
  • Start a transfer session through which to send data to Visier.
  • Transfer data to Visier in JSON, CSV, or ZIP format.
  • Complete a transfer session to trigger a data receiving job in Visier.