Data Upload API

Send data files to Visier.


  • This API makes requests and returns data based on your production environment in Visier unless otherwise specified.
  • Visier reserves the right to, without notice and at its sole discretion, add new elements to API responses. Authorized users who call Visier's APIs must set their JSON parsers to not fail on unknown properties or risk being unable to interpret such API's result set.

  • Use of this API requires client redirect. This API redirects requests directly to Visier's upload infrastructure to support long-running uploads. To ensure efficient uploading, we recommend that you use an HTTP client that supports the 100 Continue status code.

With the Data Upload API, send one data file per API call to Visier. To send multiple files in one API call, compress the files into a ZIP file.

You can upload files in ZIP, CSV, XLS, and XLSX format, in plain text or PGP-encrypted, with a maximum file size of 500 MB. For more information about encrypting files, see Encrypt files.


  • If you want to send larger data files, we recommend SFTP. For more information, see File Upload Using SFTP.
  • If you upload an XLS or XLSX file containing multiple sheets, each sheet creates a unique data transfer in Visier.

After you send the file to Visier, it goes through regular data processing during your next scheduled job. Alternatively, you can run a job manually after Visier receives the file. For more information, see File Upload Using the Solution.