Capabilities List
The actions users can perform in the solution experience.
Capabilities define what users can do in the solution experience based on the specific permission they've been assigned. You can provide a simpler user experience by enabling just some of these capabilities. By default, all users have access to the Analyses room.
Advanced Historical Analysis: Access analytic object members that, at any point in time, were in any population for which the access is granted.
By default, all users are implicitly assigned advanced historical analysis. However, if you enable a limited availability feature by the same name, this capability becomes explicitly available. For more information, see Visier Security Model.
With this capability, administrators:
- Can limit the users who have access to historical information about related individuals that are outside the user's current population access.
Ad Hoc Analysis: Access Explore. Perform additional analysis on any metric or chart in the application.
This capability gives users access to the Explore room in the solution experience. The Explore room is where users can build visuals and explore the data. For more information, see Explore.
With this capability users:
- Can access the Explore room in the solution experience using the navigation bar.
- Can use the visual title to change the selected visual type, metric, and group by selection in the Explore room or full screen. For more information, see The Visual Title.
Author Data Exports: Access Data Exports to create and manage Data Exports.
This capability allows users to author Data Exports in the Solution and Studio. Users can create Data Exports to leverage Visier metrics and data outside of Visier by embedding it in portals, performing additional analysis in other BI tools solutions, such as Excel or Tableau, or feeding data and metrics to another data store. For more information, see Data Exports.
With this capability users:
- Can access Data Exports
in the solution experience.
- Can access Data Exports in a project.
- Can create an Aggregate or Detailed Data Export.
- Can publish Data Exports to production.
- Generate a Data Export link to fetch data from Visier to a third-party tool or web application.
- Share unversioned Data Exports they own with users or user groups.
- Can view Data Exports that are published to production or shared with the user.
- Can download Data Exports that are published to production or shared with the user.
Career Path & Sourcing Path Visualizations: Access the Career Path and Sourcing Path visuals to analyze the potential and historical career paths for employees.
This capability gives users access to the path visualizations in the solution experience:
- The Career Paths visual allows users to explore an employee's career opportunities based on their current role. For more information, see Career Paths Visual.
- The Sourcing Paths visual allows users to explore the potential jobs that can be used to fill the target job. For more information, see Sourcing Paths Visual.
With this capability users:
- Can access the Career Paths visual via Explore, Detailed View, the Compare room, and the Organization visual.
- Can access the Sourcing Paths visual via the Visual picker in the visual title. For more information, see The Visual Title.
Change Analysis Context: Add filters, assumptions, and scenarios to any chart or analysis.
This capability allows users to change the analysis context of a visualization or an analysis. The analysis context acts as a filter throughout the solution that allows users to narrow down the data to a specific population and change the time granularity and time period for analysis. For more information, see The Analysis Context.
With this capability users:
- Can add filters to a visualization or analysis. Users can also apply filter shortcuts from a list of their permissions and key groups. For more information, see Filters.
- Can add assumptions and scenarios to a visualization or analysis that contain a projection metric. For more information, see Add What-if Assumptions to a Visual, Add What-if Assumptions to an Analysis, and Add a What-if Scenario.
- Can filter data to a specific point in time or time range using the Time picker. For more information, see The Time Context.
- Can create cohorts to see how a specific population changes over time. For more information, see Cohorts.
Compare: Access Compare to view detailed data for employees, candidates, requisitions, etc.
This capability gives users access to the Compare room in the solution experience. In the Compare room, users can surface data for subject members such as employees, candidates, and requisitions and analyze their attributes side by side. For more information, see Compare.
With this capability users:
- Can access the Compare room in the solution experience using the navigation bar.
Consume Data Exports: Fetch data using a Data Export link.
This capability allows users to fetch data from Visier using a Data Export link. Data Exports allow users to leverage Visier metrics and data outside of Visier by embedding it in portals, performing additional analysis in other BI tools solutions, such as Excel or Tableau, or feeding data and metrics to another data store. For more information, see Data Exports.
With this capability users:
- Can retrieve data from Visier and use it in a third-party application. For more information, see How to Consume a Data Export.
Create Analysis Context: Save frequently used analysis context that can be reapplied and shared. Analysis context refers to filters and what-if assumptions.
This capability allows users to save applied filters, cohorts, and assumptions for reuse.
With this capability users:
- Can create a group for filtering and add focus workflows. For more information, see Create a Group.
- Can create a key group for filtering on the Analysis Context toolbar. For more information, see Create a Key Group.
- Can create a key group to save a cohort definition. For more information, see Save a Cohort.
- Can create a scenario to save a set of What-if assumptions. For more information, see Create a What-if Scenario.
Create Captures & Analyses: Access Captures. Save charts as captures and create new analyses.
This capability allows users to author analyses. Users can create an analysis to shape their data into a well-crafted story that will engage and persuade key stakeholders. For more information, see Analyses. In addition, users can save visualizations as a capture and add it to their analysis. For more information, see Captures.
With this capability users:
- Create analyses in the solution experience. For more information, see Create an Analysis.
- Can access the Captures room in the solution experience using the navigation bar.
- Capture visualizations in the Explore room, full screen, or an analysis. For more information, see Capture a Visualization.
Edit Guidebook: Manage guidebooks and link analyses to topics.
This capability allows users to manage the analyses that appear in a guidebook topic. For more information, see Create a Guidebook.
With this capability users:
- Can assign a topic to an analysis in the Analysis Editor when working in a project. For more information, see Add Topics to an Analysis.
Embed Analysis Context: Embed analyses via a code snippet.
This capability allows users to embed a Visier analysis or chart in their own tools by copying a snippet of code. For more information, see Embed a Visualization.
With this capability users:
- Can copy the code snippet for an analysis from the Analysis Editor.
Export to Excel: Export data from Detailed View as a XLSX file for viewing outside the application.
This capability allows users to download data from a visualization.
With this capability users:
- Can download data in a visual as a XLSX file. This download is only available for the Trend, Trend Breakdown, Table, and Detailed View visuals. For more information, see Download an Analysis.
Export to PDF: Export an analysis as a static PDF file for viewing outside the application.
This capability allows users to download analyses.
With this capability users:
- Can download an analysis as a PDF file. For more information, see Download an Analysis.
Export to PPT: Export an analysis as a PPT file for viewing outside the application.
This capability allows users to download visualizations and analyses.
With this capability users:
- Can download a visual as a PNG file using the Visual Actions menu. For more information, see Download a Visual.
- Can download a visual as a PPTX file using the Visual Actions menu. For more information, see Download a Visual.
- Can download an analysis as a PPT file. For more information, see Download an Analysis.
- Can download the visuals in an analysis as a PPT file. For more information, see Download an Analysis.
Flag and Fix: Access to the flag and fix feature.
This capability allows users to report data issues and suggest corrections in the solution experience for an administrator to review. For more information, see Report a Data Issue.
With this capability users:
- Can report a simple property data issue when conducting analysis in Detailed View, the Compare room, and the History visual.
- Can report a missing event for subject members such as employees, candidates, and requisitions in Detailed View.
- Can report a data issue or request the removal of event occurrences such as employment starts, hires, interviews, and recognition in Detailed View.
Guidebook: Access guidebooks and view prebuilt topics.
This capability gives users access to the Guidebooks room in the solution experience. The Guidebooks room is where users view curated content created by Visier's experts and the first page users see when they open the solution. Guidebooks are fully customizable, you can tailor the content provided by Visier to suit your needs or add your own guidebook.
With this capability users:
- Can access the Guidebook room in the solution experience using the navigation bar.
Plan Administrator: Everything in Planner, plus set the plan of record for a plan model.
This capability gives access to all Visier People® Planning features and workflows and administrative workflows.
With this capability users:
- Can access Planning in the solution experience using the navigation bar.
- Set the plan of record for a plan model.
Plan Contributor: Access and contribute to plans.
This capability gives users access to a limited set of Visier People® Planning features and workflows. The Plan Contributor capability provides a simpler user experience for planners who participate in a limited capacity.
With this capability users:
- Can access Planning in the solution experience using the navigation bar.
Planner: Access, modify, create, delete, and share plans.
This capability gives users access to all Visier People® Planning features and workflows.
With this capability users:
- Can access Planning in the solution experience using the navigation bar.
Preview Access: Access the Preview release of the application when available. Administrators get access by default.
This capability gives users access to the Preview version of the solution where they can get a sneak peek at the newest features and enhancements prior to each major release. For more information, see The Preview Release.
With this capability users:
- Can access Preview during the Preview period using the navigation bar.
Schedule Analysis: Schedule analysis to be sent regularly to users via email.
This capability allows users to send analyses to users via email immediately or on a recurring schedule. For more information, see Analysis Email Push.
With this capability users:
Can create an email push schedule for an analysis or guidebook topic. For more information, see Create an Email Push Schedule.
Note: Users must also have the Share Analysis capability to create an email push schedule.
Share Analysis: Share your analysis with other users.
This capability allows users to share analyses with other users.
With this capability users:
- Can share analyses with specific users or create a shared link to an analysis. For more information, see Share an Analysis.
- Can create an email push schedule for an analysis. For more information, see Create an Email Push Schedule.
Note: Users must also have the Schedule Analysis capability to create an email push schedule.
Share Analysis Context: Share pre-defined analysis context with other users. Pre-defined groups may be a collection of filters (groups and key groups) or a collection of What-if assumptions (What-if Scenario).
This capability allows users to share the groups and key groups that they've created with other users. For more information, see Groups and key groups.
With this capability users:
- Can share a group in the Filter picker. For more information, see Share a group.
- Can share a key group in the Key Group Manager. For more information, see Share Groups and Key Groups.
- Can share a scenario in the Scenario Manager. For more information, see Share a What-if Scenario.
Share with Support: Share your analysis with Visier's Customer Success team.
This capability allows users to share their analyses with members of Visier Technical Support. For more information, see Share an Analysis.
With this capability users:
- Can select Share with user support when sharing an analysis.
Vee: Access to AI conversational analytics.
This capability allows users to access Vee. For more information, see Get Started with Vee.
With this capability users:
- Can access Vee.
View Data Exports: Access and download Data Exports that are published to production or shared with the user.
This capability allows users to view Data Exports in the solution experience. For more information, see Data Exports.
With this capability, users:
- Can access Data Exports
on the navigation bar.
- Can view Data Exports that are published to production or shared with the user.
- Can download Data Exports that are published to production or shared with the user.
View Details: Access the Detailed View visual to see the individuals that make up an analysis population and their attributes.
This capability gives users access to Detailed View in the solution experience. In Detailed View users will see a list of the subject members or event occurrences for a given population. They can then select individual members or occurrences to review their attributes and attribute values. For more information, see Detailed View Visual and The Info Panel.
With this capability users:
- Can access Detailed View in the solution experience using the Insights tab of the Info panel.
Can access the Members section in the Insights tab of the Info panel.
Visier AI Insights: Enable advanced creation, execution, and scheduling of Visier AI-driven insights.
With this capability users:
- Can access AI insight analyses through scheduled emails or Detailed View. For more information, see Explore AI Insight Analyses.
- Can author dynamic templates to deliver AI insights to users. For more information, see Create a Dynamic Template.